Live-In Pet Care
The Pet Daddies are available to care for your pets in your own home. This means they will be more comfortable staying in their own environment, and you will have peace of mind as you travel.
Our live-in pet sitting services are available in the San Francisco Bay Area and worldwide.
Our live-in pet care services include:
- Your pets will never be alone for more than 4 hours per 24 hour period.
- Dog walking
- Bringing in mail, newspapers, and packages
- Watering plants
What makes your pets happy?
We want to be sure you and your pets are happy with our services. We believe one of the best ways to do this is to keep your pets’ routine as close to normal as possible!
- Do your pets sleep in your bed with you at night? We’ll do the same.
- Daily dog walks? We’ve got it covered.
- Do your pets require daily medication? Provide us with detailed information, and we’ll be sure it’s given per their usual schedule.
We will ensure your pets and property are well cared for. When you arrive home your pets will be happy, healthy and there to welcome you home. And, you will find your home in the same condition as when you left.
Prior to any services we are happy to provide proof of insurance.
Rates start at $135 per day
- The fee for one pet is $135 per day. Additional pets will be $10 per day, per pet.
- When travel is involved we require booking at least 7 days per assignment.
- A non-refundable deposit of $135 will be due at the time of booking. This will reserve your dates and will be applied to your final bill.
- Upon your return home, if return is 11 am or later, there will be an additional charge of $135.
Holiday Fees
An additional $25 per day will be charged on the following holidays:
- New Years Eve & New Years Day
- Easter
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day
- Thanksgiving & the day after
- Christmas Eve & Christmas Day

Contact us today to set up a Meet & Greet!